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Los Alamos chess game 2 (after P-K3) is solved; black wins in 21 moves
ICGA Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.3233/icg-240247
Roger Sayle 1

In a defining event for the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the first game of chess skill between a human and computer took place in 1956 (Chess Review (1957) 13–17; The Machine Plays Chess? (1978) Pergamon Press). In this match, Dr Martin Kruskal from Princeton University played White against the MANIAC I computer at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico, programmed by Paul Stein and Mark Wells. Due to the very limited capacity of computers at the time, which couldn’t handle a full 8×8 chess board, the competitors played “Los Alamos Chess”, a minichess variant using a 6×6 board without bishops. For this game, White played without a queen, opened with P-K3 and ultimately won against the machine opponent in 38 moves. Here we show that Black can force a win in 21 moves.


洛斯阿拉莫斯国际象棋比赛 2(P-K3 之后)已解决;黑棋21步获胜

1956 年,人类和计算机之间进行了第一场国际象棋比赛,这是人工智能 (AI) 领域的一次决定性事件(Chess Review (1957) 13–17; The Machine Plays Chess? (1978) Pergamon Press) 。在这场比赛中,普林斯顿大学的马丁·克鲁斯卡尔博士与怀特对阵新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯科学实验室的 MANIAC I 计算机,该计算机由保罗·斯坦因和马克·威尔斯编程。由于当时计算机的容量非常有限,无法处理完整的 8×8 国际象棋棋盘,因此参赛者玩的是“洛斯阿拉莫斯国际象棋”,这是一种使用 6×6 棋盘且没有象的迷你国际象棋变体。本局白方无后下棋,以P-K3开局,最终以38步战胜机器对手。这里我们展示了黑方可以通过 21 步棋来取得胜利。