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Aesthetic Production in Clay Molding: Mental and Dynamically Embodied Action Mediate Between Formal and Material Aspects of Experience
Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 , DOI: 10.1177/02762374241255875
Johannes Wagemann 1 , Sarah Starosky 1

Aesthetic production, that is, the processing of material with a focus on the experiential and formal qualities of resulting objects and the process itself, encompasses basic dimensions of art, creativity, craft, and design. To explore these dimensions, we propose the Rubicon model of action phases as a general framework. Additionally, we introduce Schiller's aesthetics as an interactive account of formal/mental and material/physical aspects of aesthetic production and derive testable hypotheses from it. First, we expect form- and material-related experience to converge over an aesthetic production task; second, we assume that physical and mental actions occur with different prevalence across the action phases. These hypotheses were strengthened in a quasi-experimental mixed-methods study on a clay-molding task in an educational real-world setting ( N = 30). The results suggest understanding aesthetic production as a dynamic intertwining of object-related and subject-related experience, action, and embodiment, which supports the transdisciplinary significance of aesthetic production for self-development.



审美生产,即对材料的加工,重点关注最终物体的体验和形式品质以及过程本身,涵盖艺术、创造力、工艺和设计的基本维度。为了探索这些维度,我们提出了行动阶段的 Rubicon 模型作为总体框架。此外,我们将席勒的美学介绍为对美学生产的形式/精神和物质/物理方面的交互式解释,并从中得出可检验的假设。首先,我们期望与形式和材料相关的经验能够汇聚到审美生产任务上;其次,我们假设身体和精神行为在行动阶段的发生率不同。这些假设在教育现实世界环境中粘土成型任务的准实验混合方法研究中得到了加强(N = 30)。结果表明,将审美生产理解为与客体相关和与主体相关的经验、行动和体现的动态交织,这支持了审美生产对于自我发展的跨学科意义。