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John Atherton Young 1936–2004
Historical Records of Australian Science ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1071/hr24007
Ian D. Rae

John Atherton Young (1936–2004) graduated in medicine at the University of Queensland and undertook research in physiology at the Kanematsu Institute in Sydney for which he was awarded his PhD. After postdoctoral studies in Germany, he joined the department of physiology at the University of Sydney, rising to professor, then Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and finally Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Health Sciences. His research on the physiology of epithelial ducts, beginning with those of the kidney but later centring on salivary glands and the pancreas, brought him international recognition as a leader in the field. He made significant contributions to professional societies and was recognised with international and national awards including membership of the Order of Australia. A bronze portrait head of Young by sculptor Dan Lake is displayed in the foyer of the Edward Ford building at the University of Sydney. He was a man of great culture, a witty conversationalist and a great scientist.


约翰·阿瑟顿·杨 1936–2004

约翰·阿瑟顿·杨(John Atherton Young,1936-2004 年)毕业于昆士兰大学医学专业,并在悉尼兼松研究所进行生理学研究,并获得博士学位。在德国完成博士后研究后,他加入了悉尼大学生理学系,晋升为教授,然后担任医学院院长,最后担任健康科学副校长。他对上皮导管生理学的研究从肾脏的研究开始,后来集中于唾液腺和胰腺,使他成为该领域的国际公认的领导者。他对专业协会做出了重大贡献,并获得了国际和国家奖项的认可,包括澳大利亚勋章会员资格。雕塑家丹·莱克 (Dan Lake) 创作的杨的青铜肖像头像陈列在悉尼大学爱德华·福特大楼的门厅中。他是一位有伟大文化的人、一位机智的健谈者和一位伟大的科学家。
