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Effect of process parameters on the extraction kinetics of Leptocarpha rivularis DC. in a packed bed extractor using supercritical carbon dioxide
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2024.106314
Edgar Uquiche , Ingrid Leal , Claudia Marillán

The kinetics of supercritical extraction from stalks using CO were studied in terms of temperature (40−60ºC), pressure (18–30 MPa), specific CO consumption (30−50 kg/kg d.s.), and particle diameter (0.5−1.1 mm). The extraction yield was found to range from 17.30 to 27.23 g/kg d.s. The highest extraction yield was obtained at 40°C, 30 MPa, 30 kg CO/kg d.s., and mean particle size of 0.5 mm. The yield increased with pressure and decreased with temperature and particle size (≤0.05). The diffusion model based on Fick's 2nd law adequately described the cumulative extraction curves, using the effective diffusion coefficient () as the adjusted parameter, which ranged between 3.50 and 19.26×10 m/s. The Biot number was estimated, indicating a prevalence of internal control to mass transfer resistance. Additionally, the “apparent solubility” was obtained from the initial slope of the cumulative extraction curves. The extraction yield correlated positively with apparent solubility (≤0.05) and coefficient (≤0.05).


工艺参数对细果仁 DC 提取动力学的影响。在使用超临界二氧化碳的填充床萃取器中

从温度 (40−60°C)、压力 (18–30MPa)、二氧化碳比消耗量 (30−50kg/kg d.s.) 和粒径 (0.5−1.1mm) 等方面研究了使用 CO 进行超临界萃取秸秆的动力学)。发现提取率范围为 17.30 至 27.23g/kg d.s。在 40°C、30MPa、30kg CO/kg d.s.、平均粒径为 0.5mm 时获得最高的提取率。产量随着压力的增加而增加,并随着温度和粒径的增加而减少(≤0.05)。基于菲克第二定律的扩散模型充分描述了累积提取曲线,以有效扩散系数()作为调整参数,其范围在3.50~19.26×10 m/s之间。估计了毕奥数,表明传质阻力的内部控制普遍存在。此外,“表观溶解度”是从累积提取曲线的初始斜率获得的。提取率与表观溶解度(≤0.05)和系数(≤0.05)呈正相关。