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First-in-human phase I clinical trial of RSO-021, a first-in class covalent inhibitor of mitochondrial peroxiredoxin 3 (PRX3), in patients with malignant pleural effusion due to mesothelioma and other advanced solid tumors (MITOPE).
Journal of Clinical Oncology ( IF 42.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.3019
Dean Anthony Fennell 1 , Sean Dulloo 1 , Simon Lord 2 , Fiona Thistlethwaite 3 , Kevin G Blyth 4 , Peter Wojciech Szlosarek 5 , Nick Maskell 6 , Sanjay Popat 7 , Avinash Aujayeb 8 , Burak Y Aktas 9 , Sohail Rooman Javed 10 , Julio Herrero Colomina 3 , Brian Cunniff 11 , Jarrett Duncan 12 , Philippa Graham 13 , Alice Susannah Bexon 13 , George N Naumov 12 , James F. Spicer 14

Journal of Clinical Oncology, Volume 42, Issue 16_suppl, Page 3019-3019, June 2024.


RSO-021 是一种首创的线粒体过氧化还原蛋白 3 (PRX3) 共价抑制剂,在因间皮瘤和其他晚期实体瘤 (MITOPE) 引起的恶性胸腔积液患者中进行首次人体 I 期临床试验。

《临床肿瘤学杂志》,第 42 卷,第 16 期_suppl,第 3019-3019 页,2024 年 6 月。