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Mollisol Erosion-Driven Efflux of Energetic Organic Carbon and Microflora Increases Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cold-Region Rivers
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c02082
Chunlan Li 1, 2 , Kunfu Pi 1, 2, 3, 4 , Philippe Van Cappellen 5 , Qianyong Liang 1, 2 , Hongyan Li 6 , Li Zhang 4, 7 , Yanxin Wang 1, 2, 3

Massive soil erosion occurs in the world’s Mollisol regions due to land use change and climate warming. The migration of Mollisol organic matter to river systems and subsequent changes in carbon biogeochemical flow and greenhouse gas fluxes are of global importance but little understood. By employing comparative mesocosm experiments simulating varying erosion intensity in Mollisol regions of northeastern China, this research highlights that erosion-driven export and biomineralization of terrestrial organic matter facilitates CO2 and CH4 emission from receiving rivers. Stronger Mollisol erosion, as represented by a higher soil-to-water ratio in suspensions, increased CO2 efflux, particularly for the paddy Mollisols. This is mechanistically attributable to increased bioavailability of soluble organic carbon in river water that is sourced back to destabilized organic matter, especially from the cultivated Mollisols. Concurrent changes in microbial community structure have enhanced both aerobic and anaerobic processes as reflected by the coemission of CO2 and CH4. Higher greenhouse gas effluxes from paddy Mollisol suspensions suggest that agricultural land use by supplying more nitrogen-containing, higher-free-energy organic components may have enhanced microbial respiration. These new findings highlight that Mollisol erosion is a hidden significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions from river water, given that the world’s four major Mollisol belts are all experiencing intensive cultivation.