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Comprehensive diallel analysis of combining ability and heterosis to Fusarium verticillioides ear rot resistance in maize
Crop Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 , DOI: 10.1002/csc2.21282
Zifeng Guo 1 , Shanhong Wang 1 , Wen‐Xue Li 1 , Tao Zhong 2 , Xing‐Ming Fan 3 , Wei Guo 4 , Mingliang Xu 2 , Yunbi Xu 1, 5

Maize (Zea mays L.) Fusarium ear rot (FER), which is caused by the fungal pathogen Fusarium verticillioides, is a major ear disease affecting maize production in China. Developing resistant maize hybrids is a cost‐effective and environmentally friendly method of reducing yield losses due to FER. Using the nail punch inoculation method, 17 highly resistant and 16 highly susceptible inbred lines were identified in this study, and a large‐scale maize hybrid consisting of 528 F1’s was produced using a half‐diallel cross model. The hybrids were inoculated with F. verticillioides in 6 year–location environment combinations during 2020–2022. Our results showed that estimates of genotypic, environmental, and genotype × environment interaction variance components were very significant (p < 0.001). All the crosses generated from highly resistant inbred lines exhibited high kernel resistance, whereas those generated from highly susceptible inbred lines mostly exhibited high susceptibility to FER. Crosses between resistant and susceptible inbred lines showed intermediate resistance to FER. The general combining ability (GCA) effect was greater than the specific combining ability effect across multiple environments, indicating that the inheritance of FER resistance was mainly influenced by additive genetic effects. The correlation coefficient between the expected GCA value and hybrid resistance was 0.789, whereas that between the mid‐parent value and hybrid resistance was only 0.644. Inbred performance per se and their corresponding hybrids across multiple environments were significantly correlated (r = 0.823). However, no relationship was observed between the FER resistance of F1’s and that of their parental heterotic groups.



玉米(Zea mays L.)镰刀菌穗腐病(FER)是由真菌病原菌轮枝镰刀菌(Fusarium v​​erticillioides)引起的,是影响我国玉米生产的主要穗部病害。开发抗性玉米杂交品种是减少 FER 造成的产量损失的一种经济有效且环保的方法。本研究采用指甲打孔接种法,鉴定出17个高抗性自交系和16个高感性自交系,并利用半双列杂交模型产生了由528个F1组成的大规模玉米杂交种。 2020 年至 2022 年期间,在 6 年地点环境组合中对杂交品种接种 F. verticillioides。我们的结果表明,基因型、环境和基因型×环境相互作用方差分量的估计非常显着(p < 0.001)。所有由高抗性自交系产生的杂交都表现出高籽粒抗性,而由高感性自交系产生的杂交大多表现出对 FER 的高敏感性。抗性和易感自交系之间的杂交表现出对 FER 的中等抗性。跨多种环境的一般配合力(GCA)效应大于特定配合力效应,表明FER抗性的遗传主要受加性遗传效应影响。预期GCA值与杂种抗性之间的相关系数为0.789,而中亲值与杂种抗性之间的相关系数仅为0.644。近交性能本身及其在多个环境中的相应杂交表现显着相关(r = 0.823)。然而,F1 的 FER 抗性与其亲本杂种优势群体的 FER 抗性之间没有观察到任何关系。