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Facilitating the comprehension of business process models for unexperienced modelers using token-based animations
Information & Management ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.im.2024.103967
Ilia Maslov , Stephan Poelmans

Process models are structured representations of workflows in an organization that provide a powerful tool for facilitating communication and process redesign or improvement. Model comprehension is challenging for beginning modelers. This study scrutinizes the effect of token-animated process models on novice modelers’ comprehension in an experiment with 229 participants. The study is grounded in the theory of distributed cognition as well as other cognition theories. The results confirm the significant impact of token-animated models on comprehension. Several individual characteristics were found to be important as well. Given that the animations were well accepted, token animation can be considered a resourceful technique for pragmatic and educational purposes.



流程模型是组织中工作流程的结构化表示,为促进沟通和流程重新设计或改进提供了强大的工具。模型理解对于建模新手来说是一个挑战。本研究在 229 名参与者参与的实验中仔细研究了标记动画流程模型对新手建模者理解力的影响。该研究基于分布式认知理论以及其他认知理论。结果证实了标记动画模型对理解的显着影响。人们发现几个个人特征也很重要。鉴于动画被广泛接受,令牌动画可以被认为是一种用于实用和教育目的的足智多谋的技术。