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Tropical Deep Convection, Cloud Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity
Surveys in Geophysics ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s10712-024-09831-1
Graeme L. Stephens , Kathleen A. Shiro , Maria Z. Hakuba , Hanii Takahashi , Juliet A. Pilewskie , Timothy Andrews , Claudia J. Stubenrauch , Longtao Wu

This paper is concerned with how the diabatically-forced overturning circulations of the atmosphere, established by the deep convection within the tropical trough zone (TTZ), first introduced by Riehl and (Malkus) Simpson, in Contr Atmos Phys 52:287–305 (1979), fundamentally shape the distributions of tropical and subtropical cloudiness and the changes to cloudiness as Earth warms. The study first draws on an analysis of a range of observations to understand the connections between the energetics of the TTZ, convection and clouds. These observations reveal a tight coupling of the two main components of the diabatic heating, the cloud component of radiative heating, shaped mostly by high clouds formed by deep convection, and the latent heating associated with the precipitation. Interannual variability of the TTZ reveals a marked variation that connects the depth of the tropical troposphere, the depth of convection, the thickness of high clouds and the TOA radiative imbalance. The study examines connections between this convective zone and cloud changes further afield in the context of CMIP6 model experiments of climate warming. The warming realized in the CMIP6 SSP5-8.5 scenario multi-model experiments, for example, produces an enhanced Hadley circulation with increased heating in the zone of tropical deep convection and increased radiative cooling and subsidence in the subtropical regions. This impacts low cloud changes and in turn the model warming response through low cloud feedbacks. The pattern of warming produced by models, also influenced by convection in the tropical region, has a profound influence on the projected global warming.



本文关注热带槽带 (TTZ) 内的深对流所建立的大气非绝热翻转环流,该环流最初由 Riehl 和 (Malkus) Simpson 在 Contr Atmos Phys 52:287–305 中介绍( 1979),从根本上塑造了热带和亚热带云量的分布以及地球变暖时云量的变化。该研究首先对一系列观测结果进行分析,以了解 TTZ、对流和云的能量学之间的联系。这些观测揭示了非绝热加热的两个主要组成部分,即主要由深对流形成的高云形成的辐射加热的云部分,以及与降水相关的潜在加热之间的紧密耦合。 TTZ 的年际变化揭示了热带对流层深度、对流深度、高云厚度和 TOA 辐射不平衡之间的显着变化。该研究在气候变暖的 CMIP6 模型实验的背景下研究了该对流带与更远的云变化之间的联系。例如,CMIP6 SSP5-8.5情景多模型实验中实现的变暖导致哈德利环流增强,热带深对流区域的加热增加,副热带地区的辐射冷却和沉降增加。这会影响低云变化,进而影响通过低云反馈的模型变暖响应。模型产生的变暖模式,也受到热带地区对流的影响,对预计的全球变暖有着深远的影响。
