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Trends in incidence and mortality of early-onset cancer in Germany between 1999 and 2019
European Journal of Epidemiology ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s10654-024-01134-4
Dina Voeltz 1, 2 , Kira Baginski 1 , Claudia Hornberg 3 , Annika Hoyer 1

Evidence on the recent temporal trend in the incidence and mortality of early-onset cancer, i.e., cancer diagnosed at ages of < 50 years, in Germany is scarce. To estimate the temporal trend in the incidence and mortality of early-onset cancer in Germany between 1999 and 2019. Input data were obtained from the Centre for Cancer Registry Data (Zentrum für Krebsregisterdaten, ZfKD). The analysis comprised all ages until 50 years and all types of cancer classified by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)-codes C00-C97 (excl. C44). Temporal trends were estimated using negative binomial regression, differentiated by sex and cancer type. Between 1999 and 2019 in Germany, we observed stable or slightly increasing trends (0% and 1%) in the incidence of all early-onset cancers combined (C00-C97) for men and women, respectively, and strict declines in the mortality for both, men and women (-2% and − 3%). However, the trends differ largely with respect to sex and the individual cancer types. Early-onset cancer should be closely monitored to see whether stable and decreasing trends in the incidence and mortality continue. Knowing that despite decreasing incidence, the prevalence of a disease can rise due to their interplay with mortality, we recommend to maintain precise surveillance, efforts in prevention and early detection, as well as appropriate investments into healthcare resources, research and development.



关于德国早发癌症(即年龄< 50 岁诊断出的癌症)的发病率和死亡率近期趋势的证据很少。旨在估计 1999 年至 2019 年间德国早发癌症发病率和死亡率的时间趋势。输入数据来自癌症登记数据中心 (Zentrum für Krebsregisterdaten, ZfKD)。该分析涵盖了 50 岁以下的所有年龄段以及按国际疾病分类 (ICD-10) 代码 C00-C97(不包括 C44)分类的所有类型的癌症。使用负二项式回归估计时间趋势,按性别和癌症类型进行区分。 1999 年至 2019 年间,我们观察到德国男性和女性所有早发癌症的总发病率 (C00-C97) 分别呈稳定或略有上升的趋势(0% 和 1%),而女性的死亡率则显着下降。男性和女性(-2% 和 − 3%)。然而,这些趋势在性别和个体癌症类型方面存在很大差异。应密切监测早发癌症,以确定发病率和死亡率是否持续稳定和下降的趋势。我们知道,尽管发病率有所下降,但由于与死亡率的相互作用,疾病的患病率可能会上升,因此我们建议保持精确的监测,努力预防和早期发现,并对医疗资源、研究和开发进行适当的投资。
