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How Best to Be Egyptian? The “Honorable Citizen” and the Making of the Counter-revolutionary Subject
International Political Sociology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1093/ips/olae014
Amira Abdelhamid 1

Despite growing interest in studying counter-revolution in Egypt, scholars have neglected the ways in which the regulation of normativity governs conduct and discourages resistance. This article argues that discourses of normativity in Egypt have produced counter-revolutionary subjectivities, without whom the counter-revolution could not have succeeded. These subjectivities are constructed through the mobilization of normal/deviant binary logics, which are encapsulated in the normative figure of the honorable citizen. I suggest that the honorable citizen—which informs how best to be Egyptian—is a contradictory figure that is made possible by the ongoing interaction between (post)colonial and neoliberal governing rationalities. By employing Foucault’s work on governmentality, and Cynthia Weber’s queer analysis of figuration, I conceptualize normal/deviant logics through what I call counter-revolutionary governmentality (CRG). CRG reduces the originality of Egyptian resistance by associating it with the desire to be Westernized and constructs revolutionary aspirations as a threat to sovereignty. I argue that figurations of normative “Egyptianness” fortify Egypt’s “backwardness” in contemporary international orderings of progressive versus backward states and maintain international hierarchies that privilege Western modes of socio-economic and political organization. Such maintenance is not only the work of the global North but is also reproduced in the South.


如何最好地成为埃及人? “荣誉公民”与反革命主体的形成

尽管人们对研究埃及反革命的兴趣日益浓厚,但学者们却忽视了规范性规范控制行为和阻止抵抗的方式。本文认为,埃及的规范性话语产生了反革命的主体性,没有主体性,反革命就不可能成功。这些主观性是通过正常/异常二元逻辑的动员而构建的,这些逻辑被封装在可敬公民的规范形象中。我认为,可敬的公民——它告诉我们如何最好地成为埃及人——是一个矛盾的人物,它是通过(后)殖民主义和新自由主义统治理性之间持续的相互作用而成为可能的。通过运用福柯关于治理术的著作以及辛西娅·韦伯对形象的酷儿分析,我通过所谓的反革命治理术(CRG)概念化了正常/异常逻辑。 CRG通过将埃及抵抗与西方化的愿望联系起来,削弱了埃及抵抗的原创性,并将革命愿望构建为对主权的威胁。我认为,规范性“埃及性”的形象强化了埃及在进步国家与落后国家的当代国际秩序中的“落后性”,并维持了赋予西方社会经济和政治组织模式特权的国际等级制度。这种维护不仅是北方国家的工作,南方国家也同样如此。