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Issue Information
Crop Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1002/csc2.21007

On the cover: The African Potato Association (APA), established in 1985, actively promotes research and development in the potato and sweetpotato sectors across Africa, particularly to address food security challenges under changing climatic conditions. Despite a decrease in governmental agricultural expenditure from 2001 to 2020, the APA remains dedicated to enhancing research dissemination and fostering collaborations among researchers within and beyond Africa. This commitment is showcased in a special section published in the May-June Crop Science issue featuring 30 papers from the 12th Triennial APA Conference, aiming to connect researchers, practitioners, and both public and private sectors to utilize research for effective product and program development. Read the introduction to the special section by lead guest editor Dr. Jan Low et al. (https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.21268). Photo credit: Hugh Rutherford (top); International Potato Center (bottom).



封面:非洲马铃薯协会 (APA) 成立于 1985 年,积极促进非洲马铃薯和甘薯行业的研究和开发,特别是应对气候条件变化下的粮食安全挑战。尽管 2001 年至 2020 年政府农业支出有所减少,APA 仍然致力于加强研究传播并促进非洲内外研究人员之间的合作。这一承诺在 5 月至 6 月《作物科学》期刊上发表的特别版块中得到体现,该版块收录了第 12 届三年一次的 APA 会议的 30 篇论文,旨在将研究人员、从业者以及公共和私营部门联系起来,利用研究成果进行有效的产品和项目开发。阅读首席客座编辑 Jan Low 博士等人对特别部分的介绍。 (https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.21268)。图片来源:休·卢瑟福(上);国际马铃薯中心(下)。