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Serial killers and the production of the uncanny in digital participatory culture
New Media & Society ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1177/14614448241253764
Laura Glitsos 1 , Mark Deuze 2

Many theorists have expounded on what serial killing says about the social in any given context and the ways in which serial killing and media are entangled, in particular, Mark Seltzer, Jon Stratton and Elliot Leyton. However, in this article, we ask, how is serial killer mythology developing in relation to participatory culture typical of our current digital environment? In scaffolding discourse analysis with theories from various literature, such as Judith Fathalla and Mark Deuze, what we find is that people’s lives as lived in media open up radically new spaces through which media publics consume, cultivate and perform knowledge about serial killers, enabling them to exercise a reconfigured sense of control over the ‘story’ of the serial killer as a myth and as a deviant Other that embodies an encounter with the uncanny.



许多理论家阐述了连环杀人在任何特定背景下对社会的影响,以及连环杀人与媒体的纠缠方式,特别是马克·塞尔策(Mark Seltzer)、乔恩·斯特拉顿(Jon Stratton)和埃利奥特·莱顿(Elliot Leyton)。然而,在本文中,我们要问的是,连环杀手神话与我们当前数字环境中典型的参与文化的关系是如何发展的?在利用朱迪思·法萨拉(Judith Fathalla)和马克·杜兹(Mark Deuze)等各种文献的理论进行脚手架话语分析时,我们发现,人们生活在媒体中的生活开辟了全新的空间,媒体公众通过这些空间消费、培养和表演有关连环杀手的知识,使他们能够对连环杀手的“故事”进行重新配置的控制感,将其视为神话和异常的他者,体现了与不可思议的遭遇。