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Losing Their Religion: Organizational Identity Hybridization of British Political Parties 1950–2015
Journal of Management ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1177/01492063241248403
Stefan Arora-Jonsson 1 , Filippo Carlo Wezel 2 , Soorjith I Karthikeyan 3 , Vitaliano Barberio 2

Our research addresses how organizations manage a shift from a single to a hybrid identity, a question that the identity literature still is grappling with. We address this question by reflecting on how organizations develop hybrid identities in response to institutional decline. Identity hybridization, we predict, takes place in stages via strategies that gradually hybridize the identity. We study how British political parties hybridized their identities in response to the decline of social-class politics over the period 1950–2015. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the identity projections of three political parties in their election manifestos provide support for our hypotheses.


失去宗教:1950-2015 年英国政党的组织身份混合

我们的研究解决了组织如何管理从单一身份到混合身份的转变,这是身份文献仍在努力解决的一个问题。我们通过反思组织如何发展混合身份来应对制度衰退来解决这个问题。我们预测,身份杂交会通过逐渐混合身份的策略分阶段发生。我们研究了 1950 年至 2015 年期间英国政党如何混合其身份来应对社会阶级政治的衰落。对三个政党在选举宣言中的身份预测的定量和定性分析为我们的假设提供了支持。