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Glyphosate contamination of drinking water and the occurrence of oxidative stress: Exposure assessment to rural Brazilian populations
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2024.104476
Rafaella Ferreira Nascimento Nunes 1 , Luiz Paulo Aguiar Marciano 1 , Geovana Sousa Oliveira 1 , Naiane Silva Cardoso 2 , Fernanda Borges de Araújo Paula 2 , Marcia Sarpa 3 , Isarita Martins 1

Studies reported that continuous application of glyphosate can cause disturbance in aquatic/terrestrial environments. As such, the objective of this study is to discuss the risk of exposure to the herbicide in drinking water and to assess the oxidative stress in the consumers rural populations of Casimiro de Abreu/ RJ and Paraguaçu/ MG, Brazil. For this, water samples (n=69) were analysed from the home of volunteers, by FMOC derivatizing- LC-FLD method. The oxidative stress was analysed determining lipid peroxidation (MAD) and defense enzymes (SOD and CAT) in serum samples from rural population (n=42) compared to urban residents (n= 42). Results of the analysis from drinking water, despite the low and moderate risk, by the hazard quotient (HQ), revealed that the population is environmentally exposed to the glyphosate. The relevant findings showed that is important to implement monitoring/ biomonitoring programs to prevent pollution and toxic effects in the rural populations.



研究报告称,持续施用草甘膦会对水生/陆地环境造成干扰。因此,本研究的目的是讨论巴西 Casimiro de Abreu/ RJ 和 Paraguaçu/ MG 农村消费者接触饮用水中除草剂的风险,并评估氧化应激。为此,通过 FMOC 衍生化-LC-FLD 方法对志愿者家中的水样 (n=69) 进行了分析。分析氧化应激,确定农村人口 (n = 42) 与城市居民 (n = 42) 血清样本中的脂质过氧化 (MAD) 和防御酶(SOD 和 CAT)。尽管危险商 (HQ) 存在低度和中等风险,但对饮用水的分析结果显示,人群在环境中暴露于草甘膦。相关研究结果表明,实施监测/生物监测计划以防止农村人口受到污染和毒性影响非常重要。