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Acute exposure and biomarkers assessment in rainbow trout exposed to selected pharmaceuticals
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2024.104472
C André 1 , J Auclair 1 , F Gagné 1

Pharmaceuticals released from municipal effluents discharges pose a risk to aquatic organisms. The toxicity of 5 pharmaceuticals with distinct therapeutic actions were assessed in rainbow trout: olanzapine (antipsychotic), erythromycin (antibiotic), mycophenoate (immunosuppression), pinaverium (anti-inflammatory) and trazodone (sedative). Juveniles were exposed to these drugs for 96 h at concentrations between 64 µg/L up to 40 mg/L to reach lethality. Survival was determined and a suite of biomarkers was analyzed for drug biotransformation, oxidative stress/damage and metabolic activity at sublethal concentrations. The data revealed the following toxicity: olanzapine >trazodone>mycophenolate>pinaverium∼erythromycin based on mortality. The data also revealed that toxicity was associated to mass, pKa and hydrophobicity and the following sublethal effects: GST, LPO and DNA strand breaks. Pharmaceuticals with lower molecular weight, physiological pKa, moderate hydrophobicity, low biotransformation and DNA strand breaks were generally more toxic to fish. However, this should be considered as a general guide in identifying toxic pharmaceuticals in non-target organisms.



城市污水排放中释放的药物对水生生物构成风险。在虹鳟鱼中评估了 5 种具有不同治疗作用的药物的毒性:奥氮平(抗精神病药)、红霉素(抗生素)、麦考酚酯(免疫抑制)、匹维溴铵(抗炎药)和曲唑酮(镇静药)。幼鱼接触这些浓度在 64 µg/L 至 40 mg/L 之间的药物 96 小时即可达到致死率。确定存活率并分析一系列生物标志物的药物生物转化、氧化应激/损伤和亚致死浓度下的代谢活性。根据死亡率,数据显示以下毒性:奥氮平>曲唑酮>霉酚酸酯>匹维溴~红霉素。数据还显示,毒性与质量、pKa 和疏水性以及以下亚致死效应有关:GST、LPO 和 DNA 链断裂。具有较低分子量、生理pKa、中等疏水性、低生物转化和DNA链断裂的药物通常对鱼类的毒性更大。然而,这应被视为识别非目标生物体中有毒药物的一般指南。