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Wrongful birth and wrongful life lawsuits in obstetrics and gynecology
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2024.05.040
Christopher P. Moutos , John Y. Phelps

Developments in preconception and prenatal technologies have led to undeniable advances in how health-care providers screen and treat patients. Despite these advances, at any point errors can occur leading to misdiagnosis or a missed diagnosis. In some instances, the missed information can lead to the birth of a child with health issues where short of the error, the decision to avoid conception or terminate the pregnancy might have been made. When these lapses unfold, there exists the potential for a wrongful birth or wrongful life lawsuit to ensue. While these 2 actions are based on the same set of events, they are distinct legal claims with varying degrees of judicial permissibility. Global legal acceptability of wrongful birth and life lawsuits tends to resemble patterns in the United States. Analyzing prior wrongful birth and wrongful life claims can reveal common trends in events leading to these types of lawsuits, as well as an understanding of their potential outcomes. A familiarity with wrongful birth and wrongful life lawsuits demonstrates how these cases are unique from other forms of prenatal or birth injury tort lawsuits and can provide insights to common shortcomings in clinical practice. Applying these lessons to clinical practice highlights key approaches towards limiting the risk of certain errors leading to wrongful birth and wrongful life lawsuits, with the goal of health-care providers offering high quality health care.


