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Small oases below the canopy: The cooling effects of water-filled tree holes on the local microclimate in oak-dominated stands
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2024.110058
Bence Kovács , Csaba Németh , Réka Aszalós , Katalin Veres

The relevance of forests in mitigating biodiversity loss and the negative effects of climate change on the biota is largely shaped by below-canopy microclimatic conditions, which are buffered, cooler and more humid compared to adjoining open habitats. Water-filled tree holes (dendrotelms, DTs) are special tree-related microhabitats that host semi-aquatic communities and are important substrates or water sources for numerous taxa (e.g., birds, mammals, insects, fungi, bryophytes). Despite their microrefugia-role might be more pronounced under climate change-induced drought events, little is known about their microclimate and its potential drivers.


