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Drone resupply with multiple trucks and drones for on-time delivery along given truck routes
European Journal of Operational Research ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.05.025
Wenqian Liu , Lindong Liu , Xiangtong Qi

Drones have been increasingly used for deliveries; however, delivering packages directly to customers is still challenging, particularly in densely populated urban areas. To overcome this, drone resupply has been proposed, where drones carry packages to trucks en route, and then trucks make the final deliveries. Existing studies have only considered the case of one truck and one drone. In this study, we investigate drone resupply with multiple trucks and drones for the on-time delivery of late-available packages. Considering practical operations in urban areas, we focus on a situation where trucks deliver packages along given routes. This raises the drone resupply scheduling problem, which aims to maximise the total value of the late-available packages that can be delivered on time. We formally define the problem and analyse its optimality properties. Then, we develop an exact solution approach based on a time-expanded network flow model and design a greedy heuristic algorithm. We validate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed solutions through computational studies. Operational insights and guidance are derived for the application of drones in on-time delivery.


