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The Influence of Racial Socialization, Mentor Support, and Emotion Regulation on the Psychological Well-Being of African American Boys
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02016-4
Amardeep Khahra 1 , Alvin Thomas 2 , Adrian Gale 3 , Stephanie Rowley 4

Although it is well-documented that school-based racial discrimination can have adverse effects on African American adolescents, the understanding of how socio-emotional factors can act as safeguards is still limited. This study explores whether emotion regulation, mentor support, and parent racial socialization help African American boys cope with school-based racial discrimination. Factors such as emotion regulation are internal assets, while mentor support and parent racial socialization are external resources. Four hundred and eighty-seven African American boys aged 12 to 18 (M = 14.33; SD = 1.62) participated. School-based racial discrimination correlated negatively with psychological well-being. Only emotion regulation and parental racial socialization were related to positive psychological well-being. However, mentor support buffered against the negative impacts of school-based racial discrimination on psychological well-being. These results underscore the significance of assets and resources in bolstering African American boys’ resilience against school-based racial discrimination, with implications for interventions and future research.



尽管有充分证据表明基于学校的种族歧视可能对非裔美国青少年产生不利影响,但对社会情感因素如何发挥保障作用的理解仍然有限。这项研究探讨了情绪调节、导师支持和父母种族社会化是否有助于非裔美国男孩应对学校的种族歧视。情绪调节等因素是内部资产,而导师支持和家长种族社会化则是外部资源。 487 名 12 至 18 岁的非裔美国男孩( M = 14.33;SD = 1.62)参加了比赛。学校种族歧视与心理健康呈负相关。只有情绪调节和父母种族社会化与积极的心理健康有关。然而,导师的支持缓冲了学校种族歧视对心理健康的负面影响。这些结果强调了资产和资源在增强非裔美国男孩抵御学校种族歧视的能力方面的重要性,对干预措施和未来的研究具有影响。
