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Structure of plant photosystem I in a native assembly state defines PsaF as a regulatory checkpoint
Nature Plants ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 , DOI: 10.1038/s41477-024-01699-8
Andreas Naschberger 1 , Mariia Fadeeva 2 , Daniel Klaiman 2 , Anna Borovikova-Sheinker 2 , Ido Caspy 2 , Nathan Nelson 2 , Alexey Amunts 1, 3

Plant photosystem I (PSI) consists of at least 13 nuclear-encoded and 4 chloroplast-encoded subunits that together act as a sunlight-driven oxidoreductase. Here we report the structure of a PSI assembly intermediate that we isolated from greening oat seedlings. The assembly intermediate shows an absence of at least eight subunits, including PsaF and LHCI, and lacks photoreduction activity. The data show that PsaF is a regulatory checkpoint that promotes the assembly of LHCI, effectively coupling biogenesis to function.


天然组装状态下的植物光系统 I 的结构将 PsaF 定义为监管检查点

植物光系统 I (PSI) 由至少 13 个核编码亚基和 4 个叶绿体编码亚基组成,它们共同充当阳光驱动的氧化还原酶。在这里,我们报告了从绿化燕麦幼苗中分离出来的 PSI 组装中间体的结构。组装中间体显示不存在至少八个亚基,包括 PsaF 和 LHCI,并且缺乏光还原活性。数据表明,PsaF 是一个调节检查点,可促进 LHCI 的组装,有效地将生物发生与功能耦合起来。
