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Moving forward. Use of the START NOW skills training program for female youth with ODD and CD – a commentary on Stadler et al. (2024)
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-27 , DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.14024
Gail Tripp 1

Female youth with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) are an under studied and underserved population at high risk for poor adjustment in later life. Stadler et al. (2024) attempt to redress this situation for adolescent females with CD or ODD with an adapted version of the skills training program START NOW. They describe the results of an ambitious randomized control trial, comparing START NOW with standard care in youth welfare settings in Germany, Switzerland, and The Netherlands. The findings appear promising, but the paper is especially valuable for the spotlight it shines on the needs of this underserved population and those caring for them, together with the importance of undertaking such trials despite their challenges. This commentary seeks to encourage readers to engage with the START NOW trial.


继续前进。针对患有 ODD 和 CD 的女性青年使用 START NOW 技能培训计划 – Stadler 等人的评论(2024)

患有对立违抗障碍 (ODD) 和行为障碍 (CD) 的女性青少年是一个研究不足且服务不足的人群,她们在以后的生活中适应不良的风险很高。施泰德等人。 (2024) 尝试通过技能培训计划的改编版本“立即开始”来纠正患有 CD 或 ODD 的青春期女性的这种情况。他们描述了一项雄心勃勃的随机对照试验的结果,将“立即开始”与德国、瑞士和荷兰青少年福利机构的标准护理进行了比较。这些发现似乎很有希望,但这篇论文尤其有价值,因为它强调了这一服务不足的人群和那些照顾他们的人的需求,以及尽管面临挑战但进行此类试验的重要性。本评论旨在鼓励读者参与“立即开始”试验。