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Gamification towards and alongside equity, diversity and inclusion: Looking back to move forward
New Media & Society ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1177/14614448241254028
Ana Carolina Tomé Klock 1 , Paula Toledo Palomino 2 , Luiz Antonio Lima Rodrigues 3 , Armando Maciel Toda 4 , Sofia Simanke 5 , Velvet Spors 1 , Brenda Salenave Santana 6 , Juho Hamari 1

Given the urgent need for environments that enable everyone in fulfilling their fullest potential, many new media innovations have focused on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) actions. Gamification is one of these innovations, becoming a promising avenue to engage people towards effective social change. Yet, the intersection between EDI and gamification is incipient and fragmented, preventing a comprehensive understanding of current findings and future advancements in this field. This literature review systematically investigates the meanings, methods and effects of gamification in EDI actions (i.e. gamification towards EDI), and the design of equitable, diverse and inclusive gamification (i.e. gamification alongside EDI). Results elucidate how gamification improves performance, enriches experiences and fosters change, while analysing its design through gender, age and disability lenses. Future work calls for broader and deeper gamified EDI interventions informed by social sciences, diverse people-oriented design and empirical demonstration of sustainable social change.



鉴于迫切需要让每个人都能充分发挥潜力的环境,许多新媒体创新都集中在公平、多样性和包容性 (EDI) 行动上。游戏化是这些创新之一,它成为吸引人们进行有效社会变革的有前途的途径。然而,EDI 和游戏化之间的交叉才刚刚开始且支离破碎,阻碍了对该领域当前研究结果和未来进展的全面理解。本文献综述系统地研究了EDI行动中游戏化的含义、方法和效果(即针对EDI的游戏化),以及公平、多样化和包容性的游戏化设计(即与EDI一起游戏化)。结果阐明了游戏化如何提高绩效、丰富体验和促进变革,同时从性别、年龄和残疾角度分析其设计。未来的工作需要以社会科学、多样化的以人为本的设计和可持续社会变革的实证论证为基础,进行更广泛、更深入的游戏化 EDI 干预。