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“The clock is ticking”: (dis)orientations to ageing and end-of-life care in advanced capitalism and care directives
Journal of Sociology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1177/14407833241249510
Tanya Zivkovic 1 , Simone Marino 2

This article engages Italian migrant experiences and enactments of futurity to problematize neoliberal anticipatory approaches to ageing and care. Stepping beyond the focus on atomized and agentic individuals and a singular imagined future defined by notions of advancement and progress, sistemazione (home, future, and security) offers ways of building alternative and relational futures within times and spaces of shared precarity. We draw on ethnographic fieldwork and interviews with Italian migrant families living in Adelaide, and a critical analysis of objects as “orienting devices,” to consider how a family heirloom, a 26-face handmade Italian clock made from the physical remnants of World War II, offers new ways of imagining care within spaces of ruin.



本文探讨了意大利移民的经历和未来的发展,对新自由主义对老龄化和护理的预期方法提出了问题。 sistemazione(家庭、未来和安全)超越了对原子化和代理个人以及由进步和进步概念定义的单一想象未来的关注,提供了在共同不稳定的时间和空间内构建替代和关系未来的方法。我们利用民族志实地考察和对居住在阿德莱德的意大利移民家庭的采访,并对作为“定向装置”的物体进行批判性分析,来思考一件传家宝——一个由二战的物质残骸制成的 26 面手工制作的意大利时钟——是如何制造出来的。 ,提供了想象废墟空间内护理的新方法。