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Inclusivity and sustainability in language practitioner researcher development: A sociocultural ecological framework
Language Teaching Research ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1177/13621688241250363
Emily Edwards 1 , Anne Burns 2

Transformative practitioner research enables teachers to create or contribute to their own knowledge base. Recently, this research field has flourished, with numerous studies exploring how practitioner researchers develop knowledge, agency and identities, particularly through action research (AR) and exploratory practice (EP). Despite important work on the content or outcomes of language practitioner researcher development (LPRD), there is less conceptualization of how LPRD is manifested in relation to environments where language practitioners work. In this contribution to the special issue on inclusive practitioner research, we draw on sociocultural and ecological systems theories to present a framework for understanding what enables LPRD to flourish in terms of sustainability and inclusivity. Our framework considers how sustainability through inclusion can be achieved within micro, meso and macro ecological systems, and how these systems interrelate. We exemplify our framework using illustrations of individual teachers and their interactions with a specific AR program and their institutions. While we focus on AR, this framework may apply to EP and other forms of practitioner research which strive for inclusive LPRD. We conclude with practical implications for teacher educators and professional development coordinators about fostering inclusive LPRD within institutional environments.



变革性实践研究使教师能够创建或贡献自己的知识库。最近,这一研究领域蓬勃发展,大量研究探索从业研究人员如何发展知识、能动性和身份,特别是通过行动研究(AR)和探索性实践(EP)。尽管对语言从业者研究人员发展(LPRD)的内容或成果进行了重要的研究,但关于 LPRD 如何在语言从业者工作环境中体现的概念化却很少。在对包容性从业者研究特刊的贡献中,我们利用社会文化和生态系统理论提出了一个框架,用于理解是什么使 LPRD 在可持续性和包容性方面蓬勃发展。我们的框架考虑了如何通过包容性在微观、中观和宏观生态系统中实现可持续性,以及这些系统如何相互关联。我们使用个别教师的插图以及他们与特定 AR 项目及其机构的互动来举例说明我们的框架。虽然我们专注于 AR,但该框架可能适用于 EP 和其他形式的实践研究,以实现包容性 LPRD。最后,我们对教师教育工作者和专业发展协调员在机构环境中培养包容性 LPRD 提出了实际意义。