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‘Normal news is boring’: How young adults encounter and experience news on Instagram and TikTok
New Media & Society ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1177/14614448241255955
Jonathan Hendrickx 1

Instagram and TikTok constitute the fastest rising social media apps for news consumption. However, very little remains known on how young people encounter and experience news content on these platforms. Drawing on 25 in-depth interviews with young adult Belgians, including operationalising the walkthrough method, this qualitative research article fills this existing gap in scholarship. I contextualise but also nuance how younger users are accustomed to relying on third-party social media apps as the primary location to encounter news rather than news outlets’ own offline and online platforms. The study results also shine light on intriguing perception differences in young adults’ varying news expectations of Instagram and TikTok, based on which ramifications and recommendations are discussed. Conceptually, I propose adopting the terms encountering and experiencing news rather than being exposed to or trusting it, in order to highlight the acknowledged (radical) audience turn in journalism studies and practice.


“普通新闻很无聊”:年轻人如何在 Instagram 和 TikTok 上邂逅和体验新闻

Instagram 和 TikTok 是新闻消费增长最快的社交媒体应用。然而,人们对年轻人如何在这些平台上遇到和体验新闻内容知之甚少。这篇定性研究文章借鉴了对比利时年轻人的 25 次深度访谈,包括实施演练方法,填补了这一现有的学术空白。我将情境与年轻用户如何习惯依赖第三方社交媒体应用程序作为接触新闻的主要地点而不是新闻媒体自己的线下和在线平台进行了细致的分析。研究结果还揭示了年轻人对 Instagram 和 TikTok 不同新闻期望的有趣认知差异,并据此讨论了影响和建议。从概念上讲,我建议采用“遭遇和体验新闻”这一术语,而不是“接触或信任新闻”,以强调新闻研究和实践中公认的(激进)受众转向。