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Building higher value-added firm practices in challenging contexts: Formal networks and talent management in Turkey
Human Relations ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-29 , DOI: 10.1177/00187267241249815
Mehmet Demirbag 1 , Ekrem Tatoglu 2, 3 , Geoffrey Wood 4, 5, 6 , Alison J Glaister 7 , Selim Zaim 3 , Smitha R Nair 8

Where do high-impact human resources management practices thrive, and how do they make a difference in environments with limited institutional support? This study delves into the realm of talent management (TM) in Turkey, where institutional coverage is incomplete and unstable. Drawing on survey data, we explore the conditions under which TM succeeds, supplementing previous research on internal networks by examining the impact of external networks that encompass the entire firm. We find that when firms have closer ties with customers, suppliers and competitors (and hence, the basis for formal network tie building), TM is more prevalent and more likely to be successful. While conventional wisdom in comparative institutional literature suggests that such dense ties might be less effective in emerging markets owing to the absence of advanced complementarities found in mature economies, our study challenges these assumptions. In the eyes of managers, TM is not merely a tool to overcome disadvantages; it is perceived as a source of opportunities. This prompts a critical question: what specific advantages does the emerging economy system confer on firms embracing TM? Our study seeks to unravel these dynamics and contribute to a deeper understanding of the interplay between institutional contexts and TM.



高影响力的人力资源管理实践在哪里蓬勃发展?它们如何在机构支持有限的环境中发挥作用?本研究深入探讨了土耳其的人才管理 (TM) 领域,该领域的机构覆盖范围不完整且不稳定。我们利用调查数据,探索 TM 成功的条件,通过研究涵盖整个公司的外部网络的影响来补充之前对内部网络的研究。我们发现,当企业与客户、供应商和竞争对手建立更密切的联系(从而成为建立正式网络联系的基础)时,TM 就会更加普遍,也更有可能取得成功。虽然比较制度文献中的传统观点表明,由于成熟经济体缺乏先进的互补性,这种紧密的联系在新兴市场可能不太有效,但我们的研究对这些假设提出了挑战。在管理者眼中,TM不仅仅是克服劣势的工具,更是一种克服劣势的工具。它被视为机会的来源。这就提出了一个关键问题:新兴经济体系为拥抱TM的企业带来了哪些具体优势?我们的研究旨在揭示这些动态,并有助于更深入地理解制度背景与 TM 之间的相互作用。