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Systematic Review Overview: Violence Against Adults with Disabilities
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 , DOI: 10.1177/15248380241253034
Samira Sadat Badakhshiyan 1 , Azam Naghavi 1 , Rezvan Alsadat Jazayeri 1

This study aimed to conduct an overview of systematic reviews in the field of violence against adults with disability. Eight electronic databases as well as gray literature from January 2022 to April 2023 were searched to identify systematic reviews that focused on violence against adults with disabilities. A total of 13 high-quality systematic reviews were included in the overview. Findings show that adults with disabilities experience a higher rate of emotional and physical violence than the general population. Sociodemographic, financial, and cultural risk factors, prevention, and treatment approaches were discussed. Although the large body of studies on disability and violence have explored different aspects of the issue, there are some limitations and gaps in the literature that need further attention. The most important gap in the literature is the lack of attention to diversity. Accordingly, there is little knowledge about disability and violence in a variety of geographical locations. In addition, studies on violence based on ethnicity/race, age, gender identifications, and some types of disabilities such as hearing impairments or severe disabilities were scarce. There is a need to reach diverse populations of adults with disabilities, through employing a variety of data collection methods and qualitative research methodology. Prevention and treatment programs should be developed with attention to types of disability, and they should be culturally and linguistically sensitive.



本研究旨在对针对残疾成年人的暴力行为领域的系统评价进行概述。检索了 8 个电子数据库以及 2022 年 1 月至 2023 年 4 月期间的灰色文献,以确定针对针对残疾成年人的暴力行为的系统评论。概述中总共包含 13 篇高质量的系统评价。调查结果表明,与普通人群相比,成年人遭受情感和身体暴力的比例更高。讨论了社会人口、金融和文化风险因素、预防和治疗方法。尽管关于残疾和暴力的大量研究探讨了该问题的不同方面,但文献中仍存在一些局限性和差距,需要进一步关注。文献中最重要的差距是缺乏对多样性的关注。因此,人们对不同地理位置的残疾和暴力知之甚少。此外,关于基于民族/种族、年龄、性别认同以及某些类型的残疾(例如听力障碍或严重残疾)的暴力的研究很少。需要通过采用各种数据收集方法和定性研究方法来接触不同的成年残疾人群体。制定预防和治疗计划时应注意残疾类型,并且应具有文化和语言敏感性。