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A fast permeability measurement method based on congenetic bilateral pulse decay
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2024.105787
Mingbao Zhang , Yue Wang , Zhiguo Tian , Moran Wang

The pulse-decay method is a transient approach widely employed for permeability measurements, holding significant relevance for modeling and utilizing flow in low permeable porous media. Most of the existing pulse-decay methods predominantly rely on pressurization or depressurization in one chamber, requiring gas penetration through the entire sample and complete attenuation, which may take a long time for ultra-low-permeability materials. This study proposes the congenetic bilateral pulse-decay method by utilizing a bypass conduit to achieve bilateral pulses to accelerate the measurement process. The mathematical and physical modeling along with the realistic experimental conditions leads to more concise analytical solutions and permeability calculation methods. Comparisons of measurement duration and sensitivity between the present method and the previous pulse-decay methods show that this new method achieves an efficiency improvement of at least four times while maintaining the simultaneity and symmetry of bilateral pulse with a straightforward and cost-effective experimental setup. This measurement method may further reduce the measurement time and costs in permeability measurements of ultra-low permeable porous media.


