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Trans Across Generations: Shifts in Narratives of Gender, Transphobic Violence, and Community Support
Sex Roles ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11199-024-01476-z
Yalda Farokhi , Vanessa Mendoza , Ella Ben Hagai , Em Sanders , Tamar Antin , Paulina Ortega

The increased visibility, legal protections, and the affirmative paradigm of care have changed the living conditions of transgender people in liberal areas in the United States. Grounding our investigation in an intersectional framework (Ben Hagai et al., 2020), we ask how transgender people of different generations describe their gender identity, experience of oppression, and engage with community support. An in-depth analysis of 28 interviews with racially diverse, predominantly low-income, transgender participants living in the San Francisco Bay Area indicates a shifting understanding of trans identity across generations. Transgender participants who are part of the Baby Boomer generation described their gender as a journey that begins with gender dissonance and ends with an expression of one’s true gendered self. The participants of the Millennial generation used a narrative in which their gender was a space to be explored without a particular desired endpoint. Participants of both generations reported transphobic abuse, but those of the older generation experienced more violence and felt less agency combating family abuse; older participants tended to engage with the LGBTQ + community more than younger participants who relied on peer support. These findings can assist therapists, doctors, and educators in better serving trans people by providing inclusive care that affirms different ways of being trans across generational cohorts.



知名度的提高、法律保护和平权护理范式改变了美国自由地区跨性别者的生活条件。我们的调查基于交叉框架(Ben Hagai 等人,2020),我们询问不同世代的跨性别者如何描述他们的性别认同、压迫经历以及如何获得社区支持。对生活在旧金山湾区的不同种族、主要是低收入跨性别参与者的 28 次采访进行了深入分析,表明各代人对跨性别身份的理解正在发生转变。属于婴儿潮一代的跨性别参与者将他们的性别描述为一段旅程,始于性别失调,终于表达一个人真实的性别自我。千禧一代的参与者使用的叙述方式是,他们的性别是一个可以探索的空间,没有特定的期望终点。两代人的参与者都报告了跨性别恐惧症虐待,但老一代人经历了更多的暴力,并且在打击家庭虐待方面感受到的力量较少;与依赖同伴支持的年轻参与者相比,年长的参与者倾向于更多地参与 LGBTQ +  社区。这些发现可以帮助治疗师、医生和教育工作者通过提供包容性护理来更好地为跨性别者提供服务,确认不同代际中跨性别者的不同方式。
