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Integrating Collective Voice within Job Demands–Resources Theory
Work, Employment and Society ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-27 , DOI: 10.1177/09500170241254306
Josef Ringqvist 1

Drawing on insights from the sociology of work, this article contributes to job demands–resources (JD-R) theory by arguing that collective employee voice should be considered within the framework as an antecedent of job demands and job resources. An empirical test is offered to substantiate the theoretical argument, hypothesizing that collective voice – measured as trade union influence at the workplace level – reduces job demands and increases job resources. Based on the notion that some jobs may be inherently demanding, an additional hypothesis posits that collective voice balances demands with job resources by supplementing resources particularly where demands are high. Drawing on data from the European Social Survey covering 27 countries, results of multi-level analyses reveal that while not associated negatively with job demands, collective voice enhances job resources, particularly where demands are high. On this basis the article encourages further sociologically informed analyses of the JD-R model.



本文借鉴工作社会学的见解,认为应在框架内将员工的集体声音视为工作要求和工作资源的先决条件,从而对工作需求-资源(JD-R)理论做出了贡献。提供了实证检验来证实理论论证,假设集体声音(以工会在工作场所的影响力来衡量)减少了工作需求并增加了工作资源。基于某些工作可能本质上要求较高的概念,另一个假设认为,集体声音通过补充资源来平衡需求与工作资源,特别是在需求较高的情况下。根据覆盖 27 个国家的欧洲社会调查数据,多层次分析结果表明,虽然与工作需求没有负面关系,但集体声音可以增加工作资源,特别是在需求较高的情况下。在此基础上,本文鼓励对 JD-R 模型进行进一步的社会学分析。