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Review of selected research in applied linguistics published in Australia (2015–2022)
Language Teaching ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0261444824000077
Rhonda Oliver , Honglin Chen , Sender Dovchin

This article provides a review of research in applied linguistics published in Australia in the period 2015–2022. Primarily, it is based on articles from Australian publications as material from other sources is more widely available to an international audience. The research has been published in such journals as the Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, Australian Review of Applied Linguistics (ARAL), BABEL, English in Australia, Papers in Language Testing and Assessment and TESOL in Context. Five key areas of research are discussed: First Nations peoples and their multilingualism, language and migration, language testing and assessment, language curricula and pedagogy, and teacher development, and their identity and pedagogical beliefs.



本文对 2015 年至 2022 年期间在澳大利亚发表的应用语言学研究进行了回顾。它主要基于澳大利亚出版物的文章,因为国际读者可以更广泛地获得其他来源的材料。该研究成果发表在《澳大利亚语言与读写杂志》、《澳大利亚应用语言学评论》(ARAL)、《BABEL》、《澳大利亚英语》、《语言测试和评估论文》以及《TESOL in Context》等期刊上。讨论了五个关键研究领域:原住民及其多语言、语言和移民、语言测试和评估、语言课程和教学法、教师发展及其身份和教学信念。