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Cooperation for malaria control and elimination in the Guiana Shield
The Lancet Global Health ( IF 19.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-11 , DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(24)00047-0
Alice Sanna 1 , Martha Suárez-Mutis 2 , Yann Lambert 1 , Luisiane Carvalho 3 , Hedley Cairo 4 , Horace Cox 5 , Clara de Bort 6 , Margarete Gomes do Socorro Mendonça 7 , David A Forero-Peña 8 , Juan Carlos Gabaldón-Figueira 9 , Maria Eugenia Grillet 10 , François Klein 11 , Clément Lazarus 11 , Yassamine Lazrek 12 , Jaime Louzada 13 , Dorinaldo Malafaia 14 , Paola Marchesini 15 , Lise Musset 12 , Joseli Oliveira-Ferreira 16 , Cassio Peterka 17 , Cyril Rousseau 18 , Emmanuel Roux 19 , Leopoldo Villegas 20 , Stephen Vreden 21 , Solène Wiedner-Papin 6 , Gabriel Zorello Laporta 22 , Helene Hiwat 4 , Maylis Douine 1

The Guiana Shield, a small region of South America, is currently one of the main hotspots of malaria transmission on the continent. This Amazonian area is characterised by remarkable socioeconomic, cultural, health, and political heterogeneity and a high degree of regional and cross-border population mobility, which has contributed to the increase of malaria in the region in the past few years. In this context, regional cooperation to control malaria represents both a challenge and an indispensable initiative. This Viewpoint advocates for the creation of a regional cooperative mechanism for the elimination of malaria in the Guiana Shield. This strategy would help address operational and political obstacles to successful technical cooperation in the region and could contribute to reversing the regional upsurge in malaria incidence through creating a functional international control and elimination partnership.


