American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-27 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2024.20
Kaitlin M. Brown
This article introduces a model that harnesses praxis as a powerful tool for critique, knowledge, and action within the realm of public archaeology. The adopted framework focuses on persistence as a middle-range methodology that bridges the material past to activist and collaborative-based projects. Recent research at Mission La Purísima Concepción in Lompoc, California, shows the effectiveness of this model and its real-world application. Visitors to California missions encounter the pervasive “Mission Myth”—a narrative that systematically overlooks and marginalizes Indigenous presence while perpetuating ideas of White hegemony and Eurocentrism. Archaeological excavations in the Native rancheria and collaboration with members of the Chumash community help resist notions of Indigenous erasure. By activating notions of persistence through public archaeology, this study contributes to dismantling entrenched terminal narratives, paving the way for a more accurate representation of the past and fostering a more inclusive archaeological practice.

实践、坚持和公共考古学:打破 La Purísima Concepción 的使命神话
本文介绍了一个模型,该模型利用实践作为公共考古学领域内批判、知识和行动的强大工具。所采用的框架侧重于持久性,作为一种中间范围的方法,将过去的物质与基于活动和协作的项目联系起来。加利福尼亚州隆波克 Mission La Purísima Concepción 的最新研究表明了该模型的有效性及其在现实世界中的应用。前往加州宣教团的游客会遇到普遍存在的“宣教神话”——这种叙事系统性地忽视和边缘化原住民的存在,同时延续白人霸权和欧洲中心主义的思想。对土著牧场的考古发掘以及与楚马什社区成员的合作有助于抵制土著擦除的观念。通过公共考古学激活持久性概念,这项研究有助于瓦解根深蒂固的终结叙事,为更准确地描述过去铺平道路,并促进更具包容性的考古实践。