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Interior spacetimes sourced by stationary differentially rotating irrotational cylindrical fluids: anisotropic pressure
General Relativity and Gravitation ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10714-024-03254-4
Marie-Noëlle Célérier

In a recent series of papers new exact analytical interior spacetimes sourced by stationary rigidly rotating cylinders of fluids have been displayed. A fluid with an axially directed pressure has been first considered, then a perfect fluid, followed by a fluid with an azimuthally directed pressure, and, finally, by a fluid where the pressure is radially oriented. The perfect fluid configuration has subsequently been extended to the case of differential rotation. In the present paper, three different cases of anisotropic pressure analogous to those studied for rigidly rotating motion are considered in turn for differentially rotating fluids. General methods for generating mathematical solutions to the field equations and physically well-behaved examples are displayed for the axial and azimuthal pressure cases. As regards radial pressure fluids, four classes of solutions naturally emerge from the corresponding Einstein’s equations, among which one class, after being fully integrated, exhibits physically well-behaved solutions.



