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Mean Girls in Disguise? Associations Between Vulnerable Narcissism and Perpetration of Bullying Among Women
Sex Roles ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s11199-024-01477-y
Ava Green , Claire M. Hart

The literature on bullying perpetration is underpinned by gendered undertones, commonly portraying men as bullies given men’s greater tendency to exhibit stereotypically masculine and overtly grandiose features of narcissism. Due to the lack of gender-sensitive inventories employed, the association between narcissism and bullying perpetration among women remains understudied. Using an all-women sample (N = 314), the current study explored grandiose narcissism (overtly immodest and domineering) and vulnerable narcissism (hypersensitive and neurotic), the latter being more prevalent among women, in relation to bullying peers. Correlation analyses showed that vulnerable narcissism was positively associated with verbal, physical, and indirect bullying. At the subscale level, contingent self-esteem, devaluing, and entitlement rage were positively associated with all three types of bullying. Grandiose narcissism was positively associated with physical and verbal bullying, as was grandiose fantasy at the subscale level, and exploitativeness was positively associated with all three types of bullying. When grandiose and vulnerable narcissism were simultaneously entered into a regression model, only vulnerable narcissism emerged as a positive predictor of physical and verbal bullying. At the subscale level, devaluing positively predicted verbal and indirect bullying, whereas hiding the self negatively predicted indirect bullying. Expressions of vulnerable narcissism, more so than grandiose narcissism, may be relevant for bullying perpetration among women. Implications for anti-bullying interventions are discussed.



关于欺凌行为的文献以性别为基础,通常将男性描绘成欺凌者,因为男性更倾向于表现出刻板的男性气概和明显浮夸的自恋特征。由于缺乏对性别问题敏感的调查,女性自恋与欺凌行为之间的关系仍未得到充分研究。目前的研究使用全女性样本(N = 314),探讨了浮夸自恋(明显不谦虚和专横)和脆弱自恋(过度敏感和神经质),后者在女性中更为普遍,与欺凌同龄人有关。相关分析表明,脆弱的自恋与言语、身体和间接欺凌呈正相关。在分量表层面,偶然自尊、贬低和权利愤怒与所有三种类型的欺凌行为均呈正相关。浮夸自恋与身体和言语欺凌呈正相关,子量表层面的浮夸幻想也是如此,而剥削性与所有三种类型的欺凌均呈正相关。当浮夸自恋和脆弱自恋同时进入回归模型时,只有脆弱自恋成为身体和言语欺凌的积极预测因子。在子量表层面,贬低积极预测言语和间接欺凌,而隐藏自我则消极预测间接欺凌。脆弱的自恋的表达,比夸张的自恋更可能与女性中的欺凌行为有关。讨论了反欺凌干预措施的影响。
