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Dynamics in the asymmetric effects of job attributes on employee satisfaction: A mixed-method approach using big data
Tourism Management ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2024.104967
Zhuo Li , Panagiotis Stamolampros , Xuefeng Zhao

Given its direct influence on customer satisfaction and firm profitability, employee satisfaction has attracted much attention from scholars in the hospitality industry. However, the moderating variables that shape the asymmetric relationship between job attributes and employee satisfaction remain largely unexplored. We aim to fill this gap by considering the influence of employee position and organizational tenure on the relationship. We reveal the asymmetric relationships between employee satisfaction and various job attributes by performing an impact-asymmetry analysis and using a hybrid approach that integrates the big textual data from online reviews written by employees. Our results highlight some differences between managers and non-managers, with the former giving priority to organizational culture and work environment and the latter setting high expectations on employee benefits. These results also underscore the dynamic effect of organizational tenure on the aforementioned asymmetric relationships. Our empirical findings can guide managers in the hospitality industry in designing targeted strategies that can effectively maximize the satisfaction of their employees.


