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Socioeconomic inequalities in greenhouse gas emissions from household travel in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100820
Caroline Shaw , Ryan Gage , Melissa McLeod , Rhys Jones , Anja Mizdrak , Alistair Woodward

A just transition to a decarbonised transport system requires understanding current inequity in transport-related greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe). We used the population-based nationally representative New Zealand Household Travel Survey (2015–2018 data) to examine inequalities in GHGe from household travel by NZDep (an area measure of socioeconomic position [SEP]). There was a broadly linear association between SEP and GHGe from household travel. People resident in the least deprived areas emitted around 79 % more GHGe per week from household travel than those in the most [mean 63.6 COeq (95 %CI 58.5–68.6) compared to 35.6 kg COeq (95 %CI (32.6–38.6)]. Most of the difference was due to the additional 97 km per week travelled by car by people resident in the least deprived areas. Residents in the least deprived areas travelled further and more frequently for paid and unpaid work and leisure purposes than those in the most. Air travel also showed significant inequities with 2.4 % of residents in the least deprived areas reporting air travel in the last week compared to 0.1 % in the most deprived. Air travel was the second largest source of mean weekly transport emissions in residents living in the least deprived areas. There are large inequities by area deprivation in GHGe from household travel in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Transport policy needs to focus on measures to reduce emissions that are effective and reduce inequities. Significant work on policy processes, design and evaluation need to occur to facilitate this dual transformation.



向脱碳运输系统的公正过渡需要了解当前运输相关温室气体排放(GHGe)的不平等。我们使用基于人口的全国代表性新西兰家庭旅行调查(2015-2018 年数据)来检查 NZDep(社会经济地位的区域衡量标准 [SEP])家庭旅行中 GHGe 的不平等。 SEP 与家庭旅行产生的 GHGe 之间存在广泛的线性关联。最贫困地区的居民每周因家庭旅行排放的 GHGe 比最贫困地区的居民多约 79% [平均 63.6 COeq (95 % CI 58.5–68.6) 与 35.6 kg COeq (95 % CI (32.6–38.6)]造成这一差异的主要原因是最贫困地区的居民每周驾车出行的里程增加了 97 公里,与最贫困地区的居民相比,他们因有偿和无偿工作和休闲而出行的距离更远、更频繁。航空旅行也表现出显着的不平等,最贫困地区有 2.4% 的居民报告上周有过航空旅行,而最贫困地区的这一比例为 0.1%。新西兰/新西兰的家庭旅行中温室气体排放存在严重不平等,交通政策需要重点关注有效的减排措施,并在政策流程、设计和评估方面开展大量工作。发生以促进这种双重转变。