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NETmicroplastic in agricultural soil and its impact on soil properties
European Journal of Soil Science ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-24 , DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13496
Claudia Preininger 1 , Evelyn Hackl 1 , Viktoria Stagl 1

Implementing “soil health” means sustainable management of agricultural soils, avoiding toxicities, and sensible use of resources to minimize waste. In this context, the use of plastic in agriculture in form of plastic products, the application of polymers and additives in fertilizers, and plastic input through littering and tyre wear demands our special attention. Uncertainty and open questions relating to effects of plastic and its degradation products such as microplastic (MP) on the soil environment, the soil biota, and human health partly result from the lack of robust and standardized detection and measurement methods. Also, environmental, economic, and societal problems around MPs in soil cannot be adequately addressed due to lack of coordination among the various relevant players and initiatives in research and policy. NETmicroplastic (www.net-microplastic.eu) responds to the need of connecting among a fragmented research & innovation and policy landscape by creating a community‐supported environment. The network fosters provision of solid data for science‐based impact assessment of MP in soil together with much‐needed technological innovations, including biodegradable alternatives to conventional plastic. Here, we reflect upon a number of action fields that are key to the NETmicroplastic initiative from small to large‐scale perspectives. In addition, we portray the overall awareness situation around MP in soil.



实施“土壤健康”意味着对农业土壤进行可持续管理、避免毒性以及合理利用资源以尽量减少浪费。在此背景下,塑料在农业中以塑料制品的形式使用、聚合物和添加剂在化肥中的应用、以及通过乱扔垃圾和轮胎磨损而输入的塑料需要我们特别关注。塑料及其降解产物(例如微塑料(MP))对土壤环境、土壤生物群和人类健康影响的不确定性和悬而未决的问题部分是由于缺乏稳健和标准化的检测和测量方法造成的。此外,由于各种相关参与者之间缺乏协调以及研究和政策方面的举措,围绕土壤中 MP 的环境、经济和社会问题无法得到充分解决。 NETmicro Plastic (www.net-microplasty.eu) 通过创建社区支持的环境来满足将分散的研究、创新和政策环境联系起来的需求。该网络促进为基于科学的土壤中 MP 影响评估提供可靠的数据,以及急需的技术创新,包括传统塑料的可生物降解替代品。在这里,我们从小规模到大规模的角度思考了对 NET 微塑料倡议至关重要的一些行动领域。此外,我们还描绘了土壤中 MP 的整体认知情况。