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Shared social identity and social norms shape risk‐taking at mass gatherings
British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12767
Waleed Alhajri 1, 2 , Adam Moore 2 , Anne Templeton 2

Shared social identity and social norms are often un(der)recognized within mass gatherings health literature, yet they can increase infectious disease transmission by motivating people to engage in risk‐taking behaviours. Across three experiments (Ntotal = 1551), we investigated how shared social identities, perceived norms of resource‐sharing, and perceived riskiness of sharing interact to shape decisions that can lead to disease transmission. In Experiment 1 (N = 528), we examined how shared social identity and perceived descriptive norms affect the likelihood of crowd members sharing resources that may contribute to disease spread. We then replicated this in Experiment 2 (N = 511) using perceived injunctive norms. In Experiment 3 (N = 512), we explored how high shared social identity, perceived norms, and perceived health risks of resource‐sharing impact the likelihood of sharing that may, in turn, increase infectious disease transmission at mass gatherings. We found that high shared social identity interacts with perceived descriptive and injunctive norms, and low health risk perceptions, to increase the likelihood of accepting resources and giving resources at mass gatherings. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to build effective strategies to mitigate infectious disease transmission at mass gatherings.



在大型集会健康文献中,共同的社会身份和社会规范往往没有得到(充分)认识,但它们可以通过激励人们从事冒险行为来增加传染病的传播。通过三个实验(氮全部的= 1551),我们研究了共享的社会身份、感知的资源共享规范以及感知的共享风险如何相互作用,从而形成可能导致疾病传播的决策。在实验 1 中(氮= 528),我们研究了共享的社会身份和感知的描述性规范如何影响人群成员共享可能导致疾病传播的资源的可能性。然后我们在实验 2 中重复了这一点(氮= 511)使用感知的禁令规范。在实验 3 中(氮= 512),我们探讨了资源共享的高度共享社会认同、感知规范和感知健康风险如何影响共享的可能性,而共享的可能性反过来又可能增加大规模集会中传染病的传播。我们发现,高度共享的社会认同与感知的描述性和禁令性规范以及低健康风险感知相互作用,从而增加了在群众集会上接受资源和提供资源的可能性。我们讨论了对研究人员、从业者和政策制定者制定有效策略来减轻大规模集会中传染病传播的理论和实践意义。