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Move analysis of fraud in a mediated online transaction
Discourse & Communication ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 , DOI: 10.1177/17504813241253711
Mochammad Rizki Juanda 1 , Eri Kurniawan 1 , Budi Hermawan 1

The fraud genre is executed through the use of language that can deceive victims, enabling scammers to control conversations and guide victims into complying with the scammer’s intentions. This research aims to identify rhetorical moves and linguistic features used by scammers during mediated online transactions on social media. The data used in this study consists of nine conversation transcripts between scammers and victims during the process of selling online game account data through social media. The classification of moves and strategies is an ongoing process throughout the analysis. The analysis results identified 4 moves and 17 strategies employed by scammers in fraudulent transactions involving the sale of online game account data. Strategy 5 – Insisting on using a recommended middleman from the buyer is identified as a strategy that can indicate the potential for fraud in the mediated online transaction process.



诈骗类型是通过使用可以欺骗受害者的语言来执行的,使诈骗者能够控制对话并引导受害者遵守诈骗者的意图。这项研究旨在识别诈骗者在社交媒体上进行的在线交易期间使用的修辞动作和语言特征。本研究使用的数据包括诈骗者与受害者在通过社交媒体出售网络游戏帐户数据的过程中的九段对话记录。动作和策略的分类是整个分析过程中持续进行的过程。分析结果发现诈骗者在涉及出售网络游戏账户数据的欺诈交易中采用了 4 个动作和 17 个策略。策略 5 – 坚持使用买方推荐的中间人被认为是一种可以表明中介在线交易过程中存在欺诈可能性的策略。