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Structural and functional insights in flavivirus NS5 proteins gained by the structure of Ntaya virus polymerase and methyltransferase
Structure ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.str.2024.04.020
Kateřina Krejčová 1 , Petra Krafcikova 2 , Martin Klima 2 , Dominika Chalupska 2 , Karel Chalupsky 2 , Eva Zilecka 2 , Evzen Boura 2

Flaviviruses are single-stranded positive-sense RNA (+RNA) viruses that are responsible for several (re)emerging diseases such as yellow, dengue, or West Nile fevers. The Zika epidemic highlighted their dangerousness when a relatively benign virus known since the 1950s turned into a deadly pathogen. The central protein for their replication is NS5 (non-structural protein 5), which is composed of the N-terminal methyltransferase (MTase) domain and the C-terminal RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp) domain. It is responsible for both RNA replication and installation of the 5′ RNA cap. We structurally and biochemically analyzed the Ntaya virus MTase and RdRp domains and we compared their properties to other flaviviral NS5s. The enzymatic centers are well conserved across , suggesting that the development of drugs targeting all flaviviruses is feasible. However, the enzymatic activities of the isolated proteins were significantly different for the MTase domains.


通过 Ntaya 病毒聚合酶和甲基转移酶的结构获得黄病毒 NS5 蛋白的结构和功能见解

黄病毒是单链正义 RNA (+RNA) 病毒,可导致多种(重新)出现的疾病,例如黄热病、登革热或西尼罗热病。寨卡病毒的流行突显了其危险性,一种自 20 世纪 50 年代以来已知的相对良性的病毒变成了致命的病原体。它们复制的中心蛋白是 NS5(非结构蛋白 5),由 N 端甲基转移酶 (MTase) 结构域和 C 端 RNA 依赖性 RNA 聚合酶 (RdRp) 结构域组成。它负责 RNA 复制和 5' RNA 帽的安装。我们对 Ntaya 病毒 MTase 和 RdRp 结构域进行了结构和生化分析,并将其特性与其他黄病毒 NS5 进行了比较。酶中心在整个过程中都得到了很好的保存,这表明开发针对所有黄病毒的药物是可行的。然而,分离蛋白的 MTase 结构域的酶活性显着不同。