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Assembly complexity and physiological response in human-robot collaboration: Insights from a preliminary experimental analysis
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2024.102789
Matteo Capponi , Riccardo Gervasi , Luca Mastrogiacomo , Fiorenzo Franceschini

Industry 5.0 paradigm has renewed interest in the human sphere, emphasizing the importance of workers’ well-being in manufacturing activities. In such context, collaborative robotics originated as a technology to support humans in tiring and repetitive tasks. This study investigates the effects of assembly complexity in Human-Robot collaboration using physiological indicators of cognitive effort. In a series of experiments, participants performed assembly processes of different products with varying complexity, in two modalities: manually and with cobot assistance. Physiological measures, including skin conductance, heart rate variability and eye-tracking metrics were collected. The analysis of physiological signals showed trends suggesting the impact of assembly complexity and cobot support. One key finding of the study is that a single physiological signal usually may not provide a complete understanding of cognitive load. Therefore, a holistic approach should be followed. This approach highlighted the importance of considering multiple measures simultaneously to accurately assess workers’ well-being in industrial environments.



工业 5.0 范式重新引起了人们对人类领域的兴趣,强调了制造活动中工人福祉的重要性。在这种背景下,协作机器人技术诞生了,它是一种支持人类完成繁重且重复性任务的技术。这项研究利用认知努力的生理指标研究了装配复杂性对人机协作的影响。在一系列实验中,参与者以两种方式执行不同复杂程度的不同产品的组装过程:手动和协作机器人协助。收集生理测量数据,包括皮肤电导、心率变异性和眼动追踪指标。生理信号分析显示的趋势表明装配复杂性和协作机器人支持的影响。该研究的一个重要发现是,单个生理信号通常可能无法提供对认知负荷的完整理解。因此,应遵循整体方法。这种方法强调了同时考虑多种措施以准确评估工业环境中工人福祉的重要性。