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Identification of the RSX interactome in a marsupial shows functional coherence with the Xist interactome during X inactivation
Genome Biology ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 , DOI: 10.1186/s13059-024-03280-0
Kim L McIntyre 1 , Shafagh A Waters 2 , Ling Zhong 3 , Gene Hart-Smith 4 , Mark Raftery 3 , Zahra A Chew 5 , Hardip R Patel 5 , Jennifer A Marshall Graves 6 , Paul D Waters 1

The marsupial specific RSX lncRNA is the functional analogue of the eutherian specific XIST, which coordinates X chromosome inactivation. We characterized the RSX interactome in a marsupial representative (the opossum Monodelphis domestica), identifying 135 proteins, of which 54 had orthologues in the XIST interactome. Both interactomes were enriched for biological pathways related to RNA processing, regulation of translation, and epigenetic transcriptional silencing. This represents a remarkable example showcasing the functional coherence of independently evolved lncRNAs in distantly related mammalian lineages.


有袋动物中 RSX 相互作用组的鉴定显示出 X 失活期间与 Xist 相互作用组的功能一致性

有袋动物特异性 RSX lncRNA 是真兽类特异性 XIST 的功能类似物,它协调 X 染色体失活。我们对有袋动物代表(负鼠 Monodelphis Domestica)的 RSX 相互作用组进行了表征,鉴定出 135 种蛋白质,其中 54 种在 XIST 相互作用组中具有直向同源物。两个相互作用组都富集了与 RNA 加工、翻译调节和表观遗传转录沉默相关的生物途径。这是一个显着的例子,展示了远缘哺乳动物谱系中独立进化的lncRNA的功能一致性。