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The Sport Experience Measure for Children and Youth (SEM:CY): A Rasch Validation Study
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-02 , DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2023-0168
Philip Jefferies 1, 2 , Matthew Y.W. Kwan 3 , Denver M.Y. Brown 4 , Mark W. Bruner 5 , Katherine A. Tamminen 6 , John Cairney 7

This study employed Rasch analyses to validate a novel measure of sport experience: the Sport Experience Measure: Children and Youth (SEM:CY). Analyses were applied to self-reported data of n = 503 young people (age 9–18 years, M = 12.91, 50% female) in Canada who were engaging in sport during the previous 12 months. The revised measure, consisting of 24 items on a 3-point response scale, demonstrated good fit statistics (e.g., item fit residual: M = −0.50, SD = 0.94 and person fit residual: M = −0.62, SD = 2.33), an ability to reliably discriminate between levels of sport experience, and an absence of differential item functioning for various groups (males and females, older and younger individuals, solo and team sports, and those playing at various competitive levels, including recreation). The SEM:CY is a succinct tool that can serve as a valuable means to gauge the quality of an individual’s sport experience, which can facilitate positive youth development and sustain participation across the life span.


儿童和青少年运动体验测量 (SEM:CY):Rasch 验证研究

本研究采用 Rasch 分析来验证一种新颖的运动体验测量方法:运动体验测量方法:儿童和青少年 (SEM:CY)。对加拿大 503 名在过去 12 个月内从事体育运动的年轻人(年龄 9-18 岁,M = 12.91,50% 女性)的自我报告数据进行了分析。修订后的测量由 3 点响应量表上的 24 个项目组成,表现出良好的拟合统计数据(例如,项目拟合残差:M = −0.50,SD = 0.94,人员拟合残差:M = −0.62,SD = 2.33),能够可靠地区分运动经验水平的能力,并且缺乏针对不同群体(男性和女性、老年人和年轻人、单人运动和团队运动以及参加各种竞技水平(包括娱乐)的运动)的不同项目功能。 SEM:CY 是一个简洁的工具,可以作为衡量个人运动体验质量的宝贵手段,可以促进青少年的积极发展并在整个生命周期中维持参与。
