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Palliative Care Across the Spectrum of Heart Failure
JACC: Heart Failure ( IF 10.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jchf.2024.01.010
Laura P Gelfman 1 , Moritz Blum 2 , Modele O Ogunniyi 3 , Colleen K McIlvennan 4 , Dio Kavalieratos 5 , Larry A Allen 4

Persons with heart failure (HF) often suffer from poor symptom control, decreased quality of life, and poor communication with their health care providers. These needs are particularly acute in advanced HF, a leading cause of death in the United States. Palliative care, when offered alongside HF disease management, offers improved symptom control, quality of life, communication, and caregiver satisfaction as well as reduced caregiver anxiety. The dynamic nature of the clinical trajectory of HF presents distinct symptom patterns, changing functional status, and uncertainty, which requires an adaptive, dynamic model of palliative care delivery. Due to a limited specialty-trained palliative care workforce, patients and their caregivers often cannot access these benefits, especially in the community. To meet these needs, new models are required that are better informed by high-quality data, engage a range of health care providers in primary palliative care principles, and have clear triggers for specialty palliative care engagement, with specific palliative interventions tailored to patient's illness trajectory and changing needs.



心力衰竭 (HF) 患者经常出现症状控制不佳、生活质量下降以及与医疗保健提供者沟通不畅等问题。对于晚期心力衰竭(美国的主要死亡原因),这些需求尤其迫切。姑息治疗与心力衰竭疾病管理一起提供时,可以改善症状控制、生活质量、沟通和护理人员的满意度,并减少护理人员的焦虑。心力衰竭临床轨迹的动态性质呈现出独特的症状模式、不断变化的功能状态和不确定性,这需要一种适应性的动态姑息治疗模型。由于经过专业培训的姑息治疗劳动力有限,患者及其护理人员往往无法获得这些福利,尤其是在社区。为了满足这些需求,需要新的模型,更好地了解高质量数据,让一系列医疗保健提供者参与初级姑息治疗原则,并为专业姑息治疗参与提供明确的触发因素,并根据患者的病情采取具体的姑息治疗干预措施轨迹和不断变化的需求。