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Challenges and Opportunities to Advance Adolescent Health Measurement in Armenia: Alignment Between Global Priority Indicators and National Policies, and Feasibility of Collecting Sexual, Reproductive, and Mental Health Indicators
Journal of Adolescent Health ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2024.01.019
Marina Melkumova 1 , Yeva Movsesyan 1 , Sergey Sargsyan 1 , Simone Storey 2 , Sarah C Keogh 3

To assess alignment of the Global Action for Measurement of Adolescent health (GAMA) draft adolescent health indicators with national policies and explore challenges and opportunities for collecting data on adolescent sexual, reproductive, and mental health in Armenia. We reviewed Armenia's national laws, decrees, policies, strategies, and programs for content related to the draft indicators. We conducted three focus group discussions with government and nongovernmental stakeholders and youth representatives on the feasibility of collecting the draft indicators, and analyzed the discussion segments related to sexual, reproductive, and mental health indicators. The policy review included 22 documents. Armenia's national laws, policies, strategies, orders, and decrees mention a range of tracking and monitoring activities in adolescent health, and many draft GAMA indicators are already incorporated into national statistics and are collected in ongoing surveys. However, policies and strategies often lack specificity around how to measure and report indicators. Sexual, reproductive, and mental health indicators were particularly sensitive to collect due to Armenian cultural norms and expectations, especially for younger adolescents under the age of 15 years. Guidance should be developed to facilitate the formulation of relevant policies with well-defined indicators and complete tracking and reporting information. Data collection should be further harmonized within the overall health information flow to avoid data overlap. While sensitization work and interviewer training can help address some issues around collecting data on sexual, reproductive, and mental health, it may be necessary to adapt certain indicators to be culturally acceptable in Armenia, such as by limiting the age range to above 15 years for highly sensitive indicators.



评估青少年健康衡量全球行动 (GAMA) 青少年健康指标草案与国家政策的一致性,并探讨收集亚美尼亚青少年性、生殖和心理健康数据的挑战和机遇。我们审查了亚美尼亚的国家法律、法令、政策、战略和计划,以了解与指标草案相关的内容。我们与政府和非政府利益相关者以及青年代表就收集指标草案的可行性进行了三次焦点小组讨论,并分析了与性、生殖和心理健康指标相关的讨论片段。政策审查包括22份文件。亚美尼亚的国家法律、政策、战略、命令和法令提到了一系列青少年健康跟踪和监测活动,许多 GAMA 指标草案已纳入国家统计数据并在正在进行的调查中收集。然而,政策和战略往往缺乏关于如何衡量和报告指标的具体内容。由于亚美尼亚的文化规范和期望,性、生殖和心理健康指标的收集特别敏感,特别是对于 15 岁以下的青少年。应制定指导意见,以明确的指标和完整的跟踪和报告信息来促进相关政策的制定。应在整体健康信息流中进一步协调数据收集,以避免数据重叠。 虽然宣传工作和采访员培训可以帮助解决收集性健康、生殖健康和心理健康数据方面的一些问题,但可能有必要调整某些指标,使其在亚美尼亚文化上可以接受,例如将年龄范围限制在 15 岁以上。高灵敏指标。