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The effect of migration and time spent abroad on migrants’ health: A home/host country perspective (by Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Eralba Cela, Eleonora Trappolini)
Demographic Research ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-23
Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso, Eralba Cela, Eleonora Trappolini

Background: It is widely recognized that migrants are generally healthy upon arrival, but for several reasons, a longer length of stay abroad can have detrimental effects on health. Empirical evidence suggests the use of different comparison groups (natives in the destination country; co-nationals in the origin country) to analyse migrants’ health, depending on research aims and data availability. Objective: Using data from two nationally representative surveys, the Italian survey Social Condition and Integration of Foreign Citizens (2011–2012) and the Albanian Living Standard Measurement Survey (2012), this study aims to (1) analyse health differences between migrants abroad and non-migrants in their origin countries, focusing on the Albania–Italy migration corridor; and (2) assess health differences among Albanian migrants living in Italy according to their length of stay. Methods: We apply propensity score matching analysis to compare health outcomes between the two groups and use logistic regression models to investigate the effect of the length of stay in Italy on migrants’ health. Results: Our findings show that migrants exhibit poorer health compared to their co-nationals in the origin country and, in line with previous studies, that longer residence in Italy is associated with health deterioration. Contribution: This study is the first in Italy to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between migration and health. It does so by adopting a comparative home/host country perspective.


移民和在国外度过的时间对移民健康的影响:原籍国/东道国视角(作者:Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso、Eralba Cela、Eleonora Trappolini)

背景:人们普遍认为,移民抵达后通常是健康的,但由于多种原因,在国外停留时间较长可能会对健康产生不利影响。经验证据表明,根据研究目的和数据可用性,使用不同的比较组(目的地国的本地人;原籍国的同国籍人)来分析移民的健康状况。目的:利用两项具有全国代表性的调查——意大利外国公民社会状况和融入调查(2011-2012 年)和阿尔巴尼亚生活水平测量调查(2012 年)的数据,本研究旨在 (1) 分析国外移民和移民之间的健康差异。原籍国的非移民,重点关注阿尔巴尼亚-意大利移民走廊; (2) 根据居住时间长短评估居住在意大利的阿尔巴尼亚移民的健康差异。方法:我们应用倾向评分匹配分析来比较两组之间的健康结果,并使用逻辑回归模型来研究在意大利停留时间长短对移民健康的影响。结果:我们的研究结果表明,与原籍国的同胞相比,移民的健康状况较差,并且与之前的研究一致,在意大利居住时间越长与健康状况恶化有关。贡献:这项研究是意大利第一项有助于更全面地了解移民与健康之间关系的研究。它通过采用母国/东道国的比较视角来实现这一点。