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Development and Validation of KRT Knowledge Instrument
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology ( IF 8.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.2215/cjn.0000000000000472
Ashutosh M Shukla 1, 2 , Brian Visconti 1 , Kailyn Pearce 1 , Tatiana Orozco 1 , Jennifer Hale-Gallardo 3 , Shobha Subhash 1 , I Magaly Freytes 1 , Huanguang Jia 1 , Sergio Romero 4 , Yi Guo 2

ts with CKD.Our results show that KRT awareness is different and significantly lower than CKD awareness among patients with advanced CKD. Background Awareness of KRTs is associated with greater home dialysis use. However, validated instruments evaluating patient knowledge and awareness of various KRTs are currently lacking and are critical for informed decision making. Methods We developed a 24-item KRT knowledge instrument (Know-KRT) encompassing three domains of General, Technical, and Correlative information critical for informed dialysis decision making. We conducted a cross-sectional study among Veterans with advanced CKD to determine its reliability, dimensionality, and validity. Results The Know-KRT instrument dimensionality was acceptable with a root mean squared error of approximation of 0.095 for the conceptual three-domain model fit (χ2=824.6, P < 0.001). Corrected Item-Total Correlation indices were excellent (>0.4) for all individual items. Internal consistency was excellent for the full instrument, Cronbach's alpha, α=0.95, with α=0.86, 0.91, and 0.79 for the General, Technical, and Correlative domains, respectively. The Know-KRT score correlated strongly with the CKD knowledge score (r=0.68, P < 0.001). KRT awareness was low, with an ease index of 0.181 for the full instrument. The General, Technical, and Correlative domain scores demonstrated strong correlations with the Know-KRT total score (r=0.68, 0.61, and 0.48, respectively, P < 0.001) and CKD instrument score (r=0.95, 0.93, and 0.77, respectively, P < 0.001). KRT and CKD awareness correlated negatively with age and positively with health literacy, employment status, hypertension, and quality of nephrology care. Conclusions We report a newly developed Know-KRT instrument with three domains having acceptable internal consistency, reliability, and validity. We show that patients with advanced CKD have low awareness of KRTs, even for items related to basic descriptions of modalities, highlighting the need for targeted patient education efforts. Clinical Trial registration number: NCT04064086....



我们的研究结果表明,晚期 CKD 患者对 KRT 的认识有所不同,并且显着低于 CKD 的认识。背景 对 KRT 的认识与更多家庭透析的使用有关。然而,目前缺乏评估患者对各种 KRT 知识和认识的有效工具,这对于做出明智的决策至关重要。方法 我们开发了一个 24 项 KRT 知识工具 (Know-KRT),涵盖对于知情透析决策至关重要的一般信息、技术信息和相关信息三个领域。我们对患有晚期 CKD 的退伍军人进行了一项横断面研究,以确定其可靠性、维度和有效性。结果 Know-KRT 仪器维数可接受,概念三域模型拟合的均方根误差近似为 0.095(χ2=824.6,P < 0.001)。所有单个项目的校正项目-总相关指数都非常好 (>0.4)。整个工具的内部一致性非常好,Cronbach's alpha,α=0.95,一般、技术和相关领域的 α 分别为 0.86、0.91 和 0.79。 Know-KRT 评分与 CKD 知识评分密切相关(r=0.68,P < 0.001)。 KRT 认知度较低,整个工具的轻松指数为 0.181。一般、技术和相关领域得分与 Know-KRT 总分(分别为 r=0.68、0.61 和 0.48,P < 0.001)和 CKD 仪器得分(分别为 r=0.95、0.93 和 0.77)具有很强的相关性。 ,P < 0.001)。 KRT 和 CKD 认知度与年龄呈负相关,与健康素养、就业状况、高血压和肾病护理质量呈正相关。 结论 我们报告了一种新开发的 Know-KRT 工具,它具有三个领域,具有可接受的内部一致性、可靠性和有效性。我们发现,晚期 CKD 患者对 KRT 的认知度较低,即使是与模式基本描述相关的项目,这凸显了有针对性的患者教育工作的必要性。临床试验注册号:NCT04064086....