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Bilingualism and flexibility in task switching
Studies in Second Language Acquisition ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s0272263124000378
Rebecca Ward , Justin Awani

This study aimed to closely replicate Wiseheart et al. (Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 19(1), 141–146, 2016) by investigating the transferability of language-switching skills to nonlinguistic task switching. Current evidence is mixed and there is a need to conduct robust replications in this area. Bilingual (n = 31) and monolingual (n = 47) young adults characterized stimuli by either colour or shape based on a given cue. Modifications include online data collection (as opposed to in-person) and adapting the nonverbal intelligence test used. All other aspects of the study mirror those by Wiseheart et al. Results indicate that the bilinguals exhibited better cognitive flexibility in task switching, as evidenced by a reduced global switch cost compared with monolinguals. In contrast, mixed evidence was found for local switch costs. Findings mirror those reported by Wiseheart et al. and suggest that by employing comparable task-switch paradigms and recruiting samples matched on several key variables, including age, gender, variety of languages spoken, and use of English, bilingualism does seem to confer broader executive function advantages. Findings are discussed in relation to theoretical implications to inform future replication studies and advance the bilingual advantage in the switching debate.



这项研究旨在密切复制 Wiseheart 等人的研究。 (双语:语言与认知,19(1), 141–146, 2016)通过研究语言转换技能到非语言任务转换的可迁移性。目前的证据好坏参半,需要在这一领域进行强有力的复制。双语(n = 31)和单语(n = 47)年轻人根据给定的提示通过颜色或形状来表征刺激。修改包括在线数据收集(而不是面对面)和调整所使用的非语言智力测试。这项研究的所有其他方面都反映了 Wiseheart 等人的研究。结果表明,双语者在任务切换中表现出更好的认知灵活性,与单语者相比,整体切换成本降低就证明了这一点。相比之下,本地转换成本的证据好坏参半。调查结果与 Wiseheart 等人的报告一致。并建议通过采用类似的任务转换范式和招募与几个关键变量(包括年龄、性别、所讲语言的种类和英语的使用)相匹配的样本,双语似乎确实赋予了更广泛的执行功能优势。讨论了研究结果的理论意义,为未来的复制研究提供信息,并在转换辩论中推进双语优势。